Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oktoberfest is Upon Us!!!!!!!!!

The Oktoberfest is upon us!!!!!!!!

{Back} On the road again (thanks Willie!!), I am coming from the number one beer state – Michigan. I am working, having more book signings at Oktoberfest events at breweries around the Metro-Detroit area. There is definitely a change in the weather, being that Autumn starts this week, (well almost as it was 85 degrees over the weekend) and the attitudes of serious beer drinkers across the state. There are A LOT of good brews being poured from the numerous taps across the city and state: And the focus is on all those fall seasonal beers.

Having already sampled a few from breweries such as Fillmore 13, Stumblin' Duck, and the oldest brewery in the world Weinhenstephaner (circa 1040), let me just say that there are some DAMN good beers being released. I am impressed on the recipes that I have had so far.

With most of the events starting this past weekend, Oktoberfest runs through the beginning of October (see an earlier post for the history of Oktoberfest, or maybe I will repost it if you do not want to look for it!!!!!!!). With Lederhosen, Dirndls, and Accordions everywhere, the only thing left is to fill up the steins with the German Beers, eat your full of German Sausage, and of course, everyone’s favorite, the staple: German Red Cabbage!!!! Well, maybe a little German Potato salad too!!!!

I am going to be signing books and searching out these Oktoberfest events and sampling as many seasonal brews as I can over the next couple of weeks before I head back to the Golden State. Although, I will still be tasting in California when I am back as there are some fall beer festivals coming down the pipeline in the Los Angeles area as well. The breweries should have some good fall beers coming out. The only problem is that they have to try to make the time and fit them in between their mass production of IPAs. However, California is not as big on the Oktoberfest festivities as my German counterparts in Michigan, but nonetheless, I am sure that I will find a couple of hidden gems.

So wherever you are, for the next couple of weeks, search out what local Oktoberfest events are in your area and get out and enjoy one of the fall seasons great cultural experiences with good friends, good food, and GREAT BEER!!!!

So loosen your LEDERHOSEN and unstrap your DIRNDLS and get out to an OKTOBERFEST!! And as always, RAISE A PINT OF ALE (well this time a GERMAN LAGER) AND ENJOY!!!!!!!!

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